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DEKONMATE Equipment Wipes

DEKONMATE Equipment Wipes

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  • SKU: DEEW5012


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We believe that the future health of firefighters around the world is of paramount importance and the reality is that a simple, cost effective, on scene, equipment decontamination protocol removing indirect equipment exposure (off gassing) can and must be implemented by every firefighter.

DECON International identified an issue with off gassing and direct contact with contaminated equipment (hard surfaces) during transit / transition and decontamination as well as possible ineffective decontamination of equipment that led to the development of the DEKONMATE Equipment Wipe

The DEKONMATE® Equipment Wipe for use on equipment hard surfaces and appliance touch points uses a similar proven unique formula to that used in the DEKONMATE Decontamination Wipes and removes PAHs, OPFRs, PBDEs and metals such as Lead and Cadmium from equipment hard surfaces and appliance touch points at the scene and later at the station significantly reducing off gassing and the dermal exposure risk.

Combined with the DEKONMATE Decontamination Bag we have adapted our original skin-safe formula for DEKONMATE Equipment Wipes to create a comprehensive, preventative system to reduce exposure from contaminated Appliance Touch Points, Turnout Gear / BA Sets and other contaminated equipment.