The Regulator Biohazard Spill Kit is suitable to use with all bodily fluids and contains all the personal protection equipment to minimise the risk of infection during the spill clean-up. The Regulator Biohazard Spill Kit is available in a Weather resistant plastic case
- Weight: 0.28kg
- Dimensions: 13 x 21 x 7.5 cm
- 2 x AW7100 AEROWIPE 70% Isopropyl Alcohol Swab 3 x 3 cm
- 1 x VER020 VERASOFT Low-Lint Dry Wipe 35 x 30 cm
- 2 x AGNPF02 AEROGLOVE Large Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves
- 1 x SM01V AEROMASK Surgical Mask with Eye Shield
- 1 x BHB3547 AEROHAZARD Biohazard Clinical Waste Bag 10L - 40 cm (350 x 470 mm)
- 1 x APR02 Disposable White Apron
- 2 x AHS21 AEROHAZARD Fluid Solidifier Sachet 21g
- 1 x AHBSS AEROHAZARD Scoop & Scraper
- 1 x AGSL AEROGUIDE Spills First Aid Card 14 cm x 8 cm