DEKONMATE®’s Decontamination Wipes are for use on the skin of a firefighter is the result of significant research & development culminating in a unique formula, that removes the majority of PAHs, OPFRs, PBDEs and metals such as Lead and Cadmium from skin at the scene at the earliest opportunity significantly lowering the dermal exposure risk.
Product validation by independent internationally accredited scientific test laboratories* was undertaken with testing conducted on each of the EPA 16 PAH priority pollutants, six OPFRs, seven PBDEs, and metals such as Lead and Cadmium. Dermatologically, Human Repeat Insult Patch Testing was also undertaken and the product was independently proven to be fit for purpose and have very good skin compatibility.
After wiping with a two-wipe protocol which is recommended for the use of DEKONMATE® Decontamination Wipes there was an average reduction in skin concentration in the analysed PAHs, OPFRs, PBDEs and metals of up to 97%, 91%, 94% and 90% respectively.
12 single use wipes per pack